Dear Lions friends! We have a great pleasure to announce the traditional, 13th iteration of Regatta LIONS RALLY 2019!
Tradicionala – Humanitarna navtična regata v organizaciji Lions Kluba Konjice ob podpori D129!
Lions rally 2019 bo potekal v času od 29. 5. 2019 do 1. 6. 2019 v akvatoriju severne Dalmacije – ROKI ZA PREDPRIJAVE SO POTEKLI, prijave za spremljevalna plovila so še odprte, opcijsko tudi za plovila v tekmovalnem delu.
CENE NAJEMA PLOVILA in PLOVILO V TEKMOVALNI FLOTI po objavljenem razpisu v drugem in kasnejših rokih prijav organizator NE GARANTIRA!
Razpis regate najdete na spletni strani Lions kluba Konjice,, več informacij o barki najdete na spletni povezavi:
Na spletni strani najdete tudi prijavnico za dogodek »XIII. Lions rally 2019«. Regata je humanitarni projekt Lions kluba Konjice, ki ga klub organizira že 13. leto zapored.
Za vas smo v tekmovalnem delu rezervirali barke Bavaria 45 Cruiser – monotip, opremljene z gennakerji, stalni privez v marini Dalmacija v Sukošanu, letnik 2014, junijski termin od 29. 5. – 1. 6. 2019 (možnost prihoda in prenočitve v torek 28. 5. 2019). Pričakujemo tudi udeležbo posadk v okviru kategorije spremljevalnih plovil – VIP bark – plovila za to kategorijo bodo rezervirana naknadno, odvisno od števila prijav, možnost je tudi udeležbe z lastnim plovilom, podrobnosti so objavljene v razpisu.
Regata bo potekala akvatoriju Severne Dalmacije (podrobnosti bodo objavljene naknadno, v naslednjih verzijah razpisa). Ob dogodku vam ponujamo različne pakete poslovne promocije skozi katere je možno kombinirati plačila udeležbe vaših ekip, podrobnosti kasneje, osebno glede na izražen interes.
Rezervacija plovil se potrdi s vplačilom akontacije na TRR LK Konjice (vse dodatne informacije so na voljo v razpisu – priponka te pošte).
Ob prijavi navedite čimveč podatkov o ekipi, po možnosti izpolnite delno ali v celoti datoteko na spletnem naslovu
»Seznam posadke_prijavnica XIII. Lions rally LK Konjice 2019_posadka krmar.doc«
in jo vrnite na elektronski naslov:
Garantiramo vam zvrhano mero zabave in jadralskih užitkov!
Posredujte ta poziv prijateljem, kolegom, vsem morebiti zaniteresiranim, ki niso prejemniki te pošte.
Stanko KOLAR, univ.dipl.inž.
Vodja projekta Lions rally in pooblaščenec za stike z javnostmi Lions kluba Konjice
mbt. +386 (0)31 306 272
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Dear Lions friends!
We have a great pleasure to announce the traditional, 13th iteration of Regatta LIONS RALLY 2019!
Regatta is a traditional humanitarian social event of Lions club Konjice and District 129 Slovenia, which will in 2019 undergo a jubilee of 13th iteration. The organizer of this event is trying to create a pleasant 3-day long peaceful and relaxing socializing event in the environment of Middle Dalmatia.
The regatta will be held between the 29th of May and the 1st of June 2019, starting and ending in Marina Dalmacija, Sukosan in Croatia. For the duration of the race will north Dalmatian Islands. Upon completion, we will return to the starting point in Murter
Competition will be held on the vessels provided by the organizer – BAVARIA sailboats, model Cruiser 45 (2014), up to 8+1 members of the crew (4 cabins and saloon), the expected number of registered individual members of the crew are eight.
Participation in the race involves rent, food in restaurants (4x breakfast, 2x lunch, 3x dinner), 3x berth for the duration of the event, final cleaning of vessels, organization of competitions, trophies and promotional clothing for all participants in the contest.
Fee for the regatta XIII. Lions Rally 2019: the price for the boat rental =1.500 € + the fee for the crew =250 €/person (details in the attachments – Notice of regatta –application form XIII. Lions rally 2019). Organizer guarantees the price for boat rental for entries by 28th December 2018, entries for non competition part of the regatta are still possible – optional also for the competition!
Notice of regatta_XIII. Lions rally 2019 link:
Application form_XIII. Lions rally 2019 link:
For the Organizing Committee:
Stanko KOLAR,
Head of the project and Commissioner for Public Relations of District 129 Slovenia
mbt. +386 (0)31 306 272
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